Doctorate in Robotics, Georgia Institute of Technology
Master in Mechanical Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology
Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology

Research Expertise
Robotics, Controls, Grasping, Manipulating, Path Planning

Selected Publications
Ahlin, K. J., Sadegh, N., & Hu, A. P. (2018, September). The Secant Method: Global Trajectory Planning With Variable Radius, Solid Obstacles. In Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (Vol. 51913, p. V003T32A015). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
The Secant Method: Global Trajectory Planning With Variable Radius, Solid Obstacles | DSCC | ASME Digital Collection

Kim, R., Balakirsky, S., Ahlin, K., Marcum, M., & Mazumdar, A. (2021). Enhancing Payload Capacity with Dual-Arm Manipulation and Adaptable Mechanical Intelligence. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 13(2), 021012.
Enhancing Payload Capacity With Dual-Arm Manipulation and Adaptable Mechanical Intelligence | J. Mechanisms Robotics | ASME Digital Collection

Walker, T., Ahlin, K. J., & Joffe, B. P. (2021). Robotic Rehang with Machine Vision. In 2021 ASABE Annual International Virtual Meeting (p. 1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.

Joffe, B., Walker, T., Gourdon, R., & Ahlin, K. (2019). Pose estimation and bin picking for deformable products. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(30), 361-366.

Ahlin, K. J., Hu, A. P., & Sadegh, N. (2017). Apple picking using dual robot arms operating within an unknown tree. In 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting (p. 1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.

Awards & Honors
R. Harold and Patsy Harrison Research Faculty Fellow

Professional Activities
ASABE Member

Konrad Ahlin

Senior Research Engineer

404-407-7245 | Email